004 : Power of Imagination

On authenticity / your path


Writing ex: I believe we all have a truth, mission, or path in life. This is an energetic place that you can own your sovereignty and your own authority. What the collective is doing does not disturb this your path. We all work with different medicines, approaches and gifts. What are your gifts and how do you feel faithful to them?

The power of Imagination

  • A tool for for manifestation, to bring into focus, then create

  • ART!

  • To dream/imagine possible futures β€” then to build towards


  • What is a catalyst for your imagination?

  • The war for our imagination //// https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEooZIjgKa/

  • The algorithm of social media, esp. Instagram

  • Instagram bias and attention economy

  • Recently, driven by consumer culture


  • In what ways do you subvert (to undermine the power and authority (of a given established system [capitalism])) and regain control our our innate creative power?

The power of myth/ology

  • A traditional sort, often concerning an early history or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, may involve supernatural beings or events

  • Joseph Campbell - β€œmyths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of human life…”

  • Shape culture

  • These narratives often survive as reflections of important cultural values

  • Useful because it gives us a way as an individual, community and culture of perceiving matters that are usually hidden. It can matter (literally bring into being) giving us something to grasp onto so we can shape


003 : Patterns, Archetypes & Imposter Syndrome : Nov 20th