003 : Patterns, Archetypes & Imposter Syndrome : Nov 20th


  1. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Alan Singer

  2. The Secret thoughts of Successful Women
 by Valerie Young

  3. Astrology & Relationships :Techniques for Harmonious Personal Connections by David Pond

  4. Tell Me about Yourself: Six Steps for Accurate and Artful Self-Definition by Holley M Murchison


  1. Find an archetype and apply that archetype to how you move throughout the next week. Jot down or bring back experiences while invoking this attitude/archetype throughout your week. Have you called a certain archetype into your day, your week, your month, how has it played out?

    As Joseph Campbell says in an interview “...an archetype is a constant form, a basic fundamental… expressions of the structure of the human psyche…”

  2. Go back through memories of when and where you manifested something in your life either small Or part of an even larger event/situation that felt aligned with your purpose and drive. Remember that feeling, describe how it felt. Did any parts of your mind or body feel activated? How did you feel after the situation played itself out? Was it in alignment to the higher goals you have for yourself?


004 : Power of Imagination


002 : Fears, Perception & Manifestation : Nov 13th