002 : Fears, Perception & Manifestation : Nov 13th

Colonization is an historical and ongoing form of territorial, economic, and mental conquest in which one group of indigenous people (first inhabitants of a place) is subordinated and put in service to another group of people under the forces of imperialism. Decolonization is a set of ideas and lived experiences that challenge imperialism through forms of bottom-up disobedience to historical and ongoing colonization. Theories and manifestations of decolonization prioritize indigenous (non-Western) forms of knowledge, spirituality, cultural practices, and sovereignty.

Given the diversity of indigenous groups and colonized peoples around the world, decolonization frameworks and strategies of resistance vary greatly from place to place depending on the specific historical relation between the imperial power and colonized populations (e.g. colonial, post-colonial, neo-colonial).

Decolonization theory raises questions about whether or how it’s possible to use the “master’s tools” (including all the legal and theoretical concepts inherited from modernity) to dismantle the master’s house, and to construct something better.

 With this information we can begin to relate to our own experience how colonization has shaped our desires. Not only the taking of territory but a mental space has been occupied that creates confusion and forgetfulness which ultimately leads to FEAR.

FEAR is a tool to suppress real-time dreaming and manifesting. We apply an oppressive systems limitation on our own selves and body. You may tell yourself you don’t deserve to have more money, a stable living situation, a well paying job, your own healing. These false ideas become a limiting factor. You are no longer allowing yourself the freedom to just be.


Feel free to write, reflect and/or type in the comments below

Does fear prevent access to your Authentic Self?

You are already your Authentic Self What are you afraid of if you access your Authentic Self all the time?

Have you created limitations or put a cap on what you feel you deserve and can gain from life?


003 : Patterns, Archetypes & Imposter Syndrome : Nov 20th


001 : Getting to Know the Group : Nov 6th